Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Behind the scenes these is a lot going on. I'm carefully crafting plans to enjoy the summer to the fullest, shifting towards a delightful fall and trying to follow good inspiration for future endeavors.

THis all sounds vague: but there's no real update or ironic observation right now to report.

Amy and I are totally cruising on the new play, work is busy but good, and I've been doing some improv, too.
I celebrated both Amy and Lis' birthday this week---it was really fun, including a long night of hanging out at two different beer gardens.

I ready Harry Potter in a day and really liked it. My friend Tim was planning to stretch it out to a chapter a day so it would last longer. I decided to just re-read it a bunch.

It's been hot.

I went to Lollapalooza and saw Modest Mouse, that crazy Amy Winehouse, Iggy Pop, and Pearl Jam. That's quite a festival, that Lolla--they run a super-tight ship.

Andy and I are back in purge mode and our office is almost complete. It's pretty sweet and much less trashy, now that we have matching Ikea birch furniture.

Oh! If you live in Chicago, I can't recommend enough the "Impress these Apes" show on Thursday nights at IO (Formerly Improv Olympic). It's a talent show, among many other things. It's so so great...go see it and see what you think.

Signing off, ironic comment,


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