Monday, October 17, 2016



So, long-time blog followers (hi Dori!) will note my absence.  It's funny how much time flew by in September and October!!!  I just got back from a long weekend in NYC with my best gal pals Amy and Kristin (oh my god was that fun!) and the week before I was in Cuba.  On a cruise!

Talk about gig work---those Cubans gig it up like no one else.  Art is made from anything, people go to work in a bus driven by a horse, and there are a million old cars from the 50s, ready to drive you anywhere.

I have a lot more thoughts/reflections on Cuba, but, in short--GO NOW!  GO LATER!  GO GO GO!

It's a wonderful place.

I also rode 41 miles in the Apple Cider Century Ride! I want to ride more!

And, I have some Mind Gym work coming up and I am PUMPED for that, too!

I found out that another maternity gig I hoped to get in March isn't going to be filled.

I am also contemplating a temp move to LA for the winter--Pickle and I need to take in the western air to cure us of shitty winters.

So, my other plans will happen sooner.  I may need to do a bit more of the Lyft/Uber and such to fill the coffers.

This post is kind of rambly.

Off I go to work work work!

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