Sunday, March 4, 2007

Teen angels

Saturday, March 3, 2007
(pic of teens)
Last week, the lines for the tender boat to NCL’s private island, the Great Stirrup Cay, were long. With a boat full of 600 kids and teens, there were a lot of passionate discussions about cutting in line and general injustice.

Teen 1:
“Everyone judges. Tell me on person who doesn’t judge. Don’t go in the middle, that’s cutting!”

Teen 2:
“I’m NOT a cutter! Never have been a cutter and I never will be a cutter! I’m not a cutter.”

In a second conversation I overheard, a 10-year old boy declaring “cheaters” to a group of passengers who exited the elevator doors and merged with the front of the line instead of going to the back. He said it, and then looked around like he had just dropped the f-bomb in the middles of a high mass, so I knew he was po-ed.

I had my eyes peeled for some teenage renegade justice emerging and taking over the ship.

Instead, they just congregated in the stairways and yelled and screamed and refused to move when you walked through their little groups.

This week, we do the kid cruise again…hopefully it’s less then 600 this time.

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