Sunday, November 18, 2007

Andy Out/Homer In

Andy's off to the high seas on the Norwegian Jewel--and left on Thursday morning. Unfortunately, the poor guy also left his cell phone---so that'll be sent to him asap.

And now--Homer's in! We had talked about this such a long time ago--and it's delightful so far.

I'm all packed and ready to go home to see the family in Ohio over Thanksgiving--I'm so excited to see them all. Those little munchkins amuse me to no end--so it's great to bask in their antics for a few days.

At the moment, I'm enjoying a nice little evening, on the couch, having made chili and done every piece of my laundry, moved Homer's boxxes in and so it's nice to just chill out.

I'm watching this movie that's all about the Kennedy woman--or at least Joan, Ethel and Jackie. Apparetnly, Ethel was outspoken and kind of trashy, Joan was a great campaigner when Teddy was paralyzed and Jackie was constantly elegant and a little snotty.

The Bobby is just not that cute...and the real Bobby was such the charming younger brother, so that's a bummer.

Oh! I've also started a new job at Essence magazine that's going swimmingly. I need to get my lazy butt out of bed a bit earlier and to work on time, but other then that, it's a lovely 3/days per week with a great staff.

What else...oh, I got a mani-pedi today and opted for a vamp-y kind of nail polish--it's Lincoln Park after-dark--and my nails looks like goth-talons. I think it was the wrong choice. The toenails look good though--a classic red.

OH no--Bobby was just killed on the tv....yikes. It just doesn't stop for those Kennedys.

THis is the end of this post.

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