Friday, October 17, 2008

My mom is making me laugh this fall

All the time.

She's finally started to watch the Apes online, and her comments are hilarious.  She hates the judges, doesn't always understand what's going on with the scenes she sees ("I didn't get that you were Lewis and Clark, so I had to watch it again"), and speculates that the Apes aren't fair judges.

We all know that, and sometimes it plays to our advantage and other times disadvantage, blah blah blah. 

But, her thoughts and advice on what I should do for the challenges are really funny...she is seeing that boys are winning, and that there's a lot of male nudity, so her suggestion for last week was for me to dress like a boy, stuff my pants ("with a pickle!"), wear a vulgar t-shirt, and use my chest ("But don't get naked, honey.").

This week, for the dance challenge, "You should do a belly dance!"  

And my niece Alli has been using the word bullshit, which is completely inappropriate for a two-year old, but her use of it has been completely appropriate.  So, my mom's advise for dealing with the judges "Tell them...This is BULLSHIT.  You're all assholes."

My mom's always had some sass to her, but she's a lady who would never confront someone, preferring to bottle it up inside.  But between my dad getting sick again this year, and her approaching 70, there is no stopping her right now.

And I love it.

They are coming to the show next week....

I'm off to go work on my dancing!

Happy Friday everyone.

This weather is BULLSHIT!

1 comment:

Erica said...

That is adorable. I love your mom.