I am writing! I am writing! I am writing! I’ve been out of work for a while now, and am just starting to feel like it’s summer, and I’m in a groove. Sort of.
In an IDEAL world, each day, I do the following:
- I work on my acting career (get headshots touched up, send them out, get an agent)
- I engage in local cultural activities (go see shows, read a bit about Chicago, go for a run in the local park)
- I work out everyday
- I take a shower
- I write
- I cook at home.
In my REAL world, I do the following:
- I wake up late,
- I start laundry
- I print out some scripts I need to memorize and set them aside
- I meet with Andy about how to make deposits for the condo board, taking copius notes.
- I call the mortgage company and they say they still don’t have our application for loan modification
- I try control my temper and gain control over something so I look online to see if my half-credit from renting a Dollar rental car has been credited to my Southwest account. Now that’s important to my financial future!
- I ignore my $700 dollar mammogram bill
- I defrost some pork chops and make a tuna salad and cut up some cantaloupe and celery.
- I answer some emails and send some more. But then I get overwhelmed.
- I make a list of things to do but halfway through, I call the cable company about a discrepant bill.
- I put on my running clothes.
- I get hungry, so I make tuna salad and eat it. I cut up celery sticks and cantaloupe and pull out some frozen pork chops I grilled a few weeks ago for dinner.
- I get cabin fever, so pack my bag for a major errand run and job.
- I realize my credit card receipts are a MESS and need to be organized RIGHT now!
- I scold myself for getting distracted, and re-pack my bag.
- I forgot about the laundry! I move the wet clothes into the dryer and fold the dry sheets.
- I finally leave the house, and I drop off my dry cleaning, I get my flat tire fixed, I buy a propane canister for my grill, go for a walk and run into Salvi and Paul and Auggie, I keep walking, I browse in Borders instead of going for a run (it is HOT out), I pick up my bike and return home.
- I go home and read the scripts, I make some blocking notes
- I eat the pork chops, taking huge bites as I pull the dry clothes out of the dryer and since I don’t have time to fold my laundry, I lay it out so at least it doesn’t wrinkle
- I do not shower so I liberally spray myself with perfume
- I pack another bag for teaching, I grab some water and caramel treats for later.
- I bike down to teach and it is glorious, the best part of the entire day.
- I teach (I love that) and then I ride home.
- I talk to Andy about life and plans and housing and cruise ship jobs and writing and teaching.
- I move my ac unit from in front of the closet to my window and Andy helps to install it.
- I read my book and drink some beers and decide it’s ok to sleep in and skip my morning weight lifting class tomorrow at the gym and go to the night class.
- I go to bed.
- I love my bed.
- I love my summer of not working.
- I need to focus more.
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