Friday, February 3, 2017

On the road again (kind of. Does Clark street count?)

I was supposed to depart for Kansas City on Friday, but Thursday I stayed up late, and woke up with a hangover and Aunt Flo in town, and just did NOT have it in me to leave yet.  I mean, I could NOT get my shit together.  It was TOO hard to get out of bed.  TOO hard to run to the bank.  These clothes I have to fold are so HEAVY. 

I did run to Aldi to get good travel food (Apples!  Granola Bars!  Energy drinks!  Nuts! Bugles!   Cheese!  Fake Cheez-its! Kefir!)  

Pickle had a weird purple growth on her belly, so I took her to the vet and they sliced it off and sent it for a biopsy.  It's probably something totally benign---but if it gets nicked, it bleeds like crazy.  I didn't know what kind of rough, tall vegetation our western adventure would hold, and so I opted to get that thing removed.  That was all on Friday, too.

I have a bunch of gift cards that I am spending right now to save money—so I went to Binny’s liquors and got 3 bottles of thank you wine for my hosts along the way. 

So, I didn’t leave on Friday.  I hung out, got shit done and met Megan out at the new place in Andersonville—Bar Roma. OH my god—the meatballs were so darn good.  And the vibe was really friendly, and décor was a delight.  Megan was heading to Paris, and so we were both brimming with excitement for our adventures.  Unfortunately, the bartended made Megan a bourbon drink (old fashioned?) instead of a gin drink, and then when we asked, he was insistent and blasé that it was a gin drink.  The lady next to us was loudly extolling the virtues of Andersonville to her Lincoln Park visitor friends “I’m a regular here---this place is my local” (it’s only been open a month, chill out lady) and recommended a certain drink to Megan (it’s frothy, it’s not too sweet, it’s very refreshing—you are gonna LOVE it”.  So, she ordered it.  She took a sip, and handed it to me to taste. It was all of those, but not GREAT.  Megan shrugged and we ordered our meatballs. I snuck in some baby fried artichokes because I was still feeling the hangover and nothing soaks up bad drinking stomach juice like fried food.

I then came home and had a good night’s sleep.  Sleep has always been really important to me, and I love a good nap.  But over the past few years, when I was super sad about some stuff, I prioritized sleep like never before, and though my hairs turned grey, I think I stayed relatively healthy because I completely insisted on getting a good nights sleep.  That, and cooking more meals at home.  Anyway, sleep is my favorite DRUG.

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