Friday, April 24, 2020

Bruce in town

My dad was in town for what has become an annual fall visit.  In true Bruce fashion, he sent me the times of his flight but didn't indicate am or pm.  He just upgraded his phone from an old flip phone to a new flip phone, so his texts are already short, sloppy and you feel like you are texting a teenager from 2002.

"talk to me picking me up tomorrow"

"arrive at 1125 ua224 talk tonight"

So, I called and he didn't pick up. It's just him in the house now, and as we get beyond the immediate grief of losing my mom, I start to worry about him.  Did he fall? Should I text the neighbor who can come check on him?

Turns out he had fallen asleep.  After we agreed to talk.

Anyway, we had an amazing time.  For years when he and my mom would visit he drove me nuts! He likes to TALK in the morning.  Wake up EARLY.  Bitch about the coffee MAKER.

But, sometime in the last couple years...we all agreed to not talk to Becky in the morning until she had her coffee.  And, for the most part, Bruce remembers that when he visits.

This trip was his 3rd (!) to Cali.  Right?  I think so.  Oh yes! He came out right after mom died in August 2018, then in the fall of 18 and fall of 19. 

He met up with his favorite boss of ALL TIME Eric Bloom.  He's a rockstar in my dad's eyes..and to tell the truth, when they get together they really giggle like a bunch of old schoolgirls.  They went and dad was nervous about driving my beloved PRI PRI (Prius)...but we did a practice run to Aldi in Pasadena and he then felt comfortable driving it down to meet ERIC BLOOM for golf!

At the Aldi, I relaxed into it...doing a BIG shop.  Dad is a whirlwind, and likes to keep on the move.  So, he kept trying to hurry me up even in the WEIRD AISLE!  Dad doesn't understand Aldi..if you rush, you may miss an opportunity to buy an air fryer or solar lantern.  He was pacing, so I kept sending him on mini-shopping "Find the chili seasoning envelope".  He returned with the taco seasoning bottle.  NO DAD!  Finally, after sighing and sulking, I sent him next door to try to find Bourbon or something.  He got lost (don't worry, the Altadena Aldi is nestled into the's a beautiful setting and my dad loves to walk) and finally came back just as I was checking out.  In the old days, mom and dad would take me to the grocery store and treat, but now I'm a big 47-year old grown up lady, so I decided to refuse to take his Discover card when it came time.  He didn't offer, and I quickly realized who was behind the grocery store bill pickup---it was my mom!

More to come if i can remember what we did...

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