Friday, April 24, 2020

It's Friday, April 24, 2020.  I'm done with work and got ambitious and made a lasagna. It's OK--I screwed up the top layer and it's crunchy...but a good use of all my random ingredients I need to cook: Tofu, ground turkey, mozzarella, lasagna noodles, open marinara, chopped up peppers and onions.  See, I've been cooking at home every day for 6 weeks?  We are in the time of a Covid-19 pandemic, and the best thing we can do is stay home. Stay home.  STAY HOME!  So, I'm home, on a Friday night, playing Lyle Lovett on my amazon, listening to Pickle snore and shirt and snore and then huff like a horse and yawn and dream.  My favorite is when she's sleeping, and is dreaming and her little feet pedal and she barks in the sweetest most polite way.  Like, she doesn't want to bother me but this dream is so amazing.

I played a hand of online Poker---and lost on a bad bet.  As in, I bet badly.  I always do. I just like to play!!!  Not so good at strategy.

Missing my family, my friends in Chicago, hell, even my friends here.  I'm coming up on 2 years in this apartment, and I finally did my gallery wall.  It turned out pretty good for a janky-ass hammer, some tacks and mostly garages sale and Ikea frames.

It's Friday, April 24, 2020 and I'm ignoring the news.  It's too divisive and people fight on facebook, like it's going to change someone's mind about Trump or turn someone against another.  People are being really mean.  I'm not for Trump, but let's not call anyone a cheeto.  Low blow.

It's Friday, April 24, 2020.  I had a work happy hour today, 3 facetime calls tmw and another one sunday. This is how we socialize--in halting gestures and one at a time conversations. No side bars, no secret non-verbal communication.  Pauses and silences and then more talk about babies.

It's Friday, April 24, 2020. I miss my mom.

Stay safe everyone