Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on--O H I O

I'm sitting in my parent's house in Elyria, waiting to get picked up for Cedar Point!!

Last night, Kitty came by after work and we had one of our late-night figure out the world nights, so I'm a bit tired today. But thankfully, we got everything worked out, so the world is straightened out, or at least our small corner of it.

My dad is doing well--his surgery had complications, but he's home, resting, and feeling better each day. We'll know more in the next few days about the long-term prognosis---so thanks for everyone's well wishes and concerns.

My mom is really strong. I guess I always knew that, but I didn't see her break down or show any tears at all during the day of the surgery or that night when we crashed at the clinic. I'm really amazed at her strength.

She's at church right now and my dad is making jello, his favorite post-surgery treat.

And I'm off to ride all the non-bumpy rides at Cedar Point with 11 nephews and nieces. I hope we get a group discount.

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