Monday, September 12, 2011

phew! So, to my many fans, I have some big news! I wish it was "I'm engaged" or "I'm knocked up" or "I've become successful as a writer" but it is a step in the right direction---I've quit my day job. Long-time fans will note I haven't written in this blog about the same amount of time that I've been working. But, now, here I am, day one of operation personal freedom. I've submitted my headshots to two potential auditions, I've cleaned up my acting resume, I've reached out on a few potential leads for a more flexible day job option and I've had some yogurt and done my morning pages. Off to Yoga and then a beach day (have to have some breathing room/fun on the first day off).

Fall looks like it'll be full of family visiting, time in NYC, time to journal and feel my feelings and think about the next step.

But mostly---YAY! That day job was great for a while but then it was time to move on.


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