Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hello Chicago!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Out of the house for the first time since Saturday.

I finally did it. I left my house. Now, keep in mind, I LOVE my house—it’s airy, filled with sunlight and sits on a bustling corner where I keep watch on the neighborhood from my second floor office. So, by staying in my house, I’m not holed up away from humanity…plus, Andy’s around, too. But, it was time to venture out to see the world.

I met up with my friend Lis at Mystic Celt, a bar on Southport. We then went down to Lange’s, an old-man bar, down the street.

Lis has a new job, so she went home at a decent hour while I traversed the wilds of Cornelia to go meet up with Jeremy Sosenko, formally of the Spirit. We went to Twisted Spoke, a pseudo-biker bar in Wrigleyville.

We chatted about the boat, his trip with brother to Atlantic City and general impressions of our return home.

Jeremy kept saying “No one exists. No one knows so and so, or this person. They don’t exist in Chicago.”

It’s true—you just entirely leave the Spirit world behind (and by Spirit, I mean the ship, not celestial plain kind of stuff). I have pics of these people, but no ongoing encounters with any of them. It’s so strange….and so liberating.

A few of our mutual friends came up to the Spoke, and in what seemed a blink of the eye, I had spent $40 on cabs, beers and general revelry.

I do miss $1 beers and no cost for transportation and food.

I do not miss Raffles Buffet.

1 comment:

Carlyjayjay said...

I do not miss Raffles, bad tea or a room without windows.

I do miss you guys, the Caribbean and a boat with Windows.