Wednesday, January 6, 2010

storm's a brewin'!!!

12 inches!  

Get your mind out of the gutter, Chicago, it's 12 inches of expected snow.

By the lake...which is near to where I live.


Thankfully, I've stocked up for the storm at my new favorite store, Aldi.

I went this morning to get many items...Fit and Active, which is their generic diet brand, has lots of salty snacks.  Man, those salty snacks just really kill me.  For the most part, I eat "real" food with minimal processing...but give me a puffed rice crisp or a cheddar baked cheetos and I am one happy camper.  The other fake thing I really dig is fake sugar...sweet n' low in my coffee and then sugar-free Jello, Hot Chocolate, etc.

Otherwise, it's pretty much all real food.

Anyway, over at the Aldi, you can count on the following general items:
Veggies (fresh, frozen and canned)
Some fresh fruit (bananas, apples, oranges, grapefruit)
Salty Snacks
Snack-size candy bars
Break and bake cookie dough (I got a bargain on holiday shaped ones!)
Chicken Salad (it's really good)
Whole Wheat English Muffins

Items I have not had good luck with:
Berries in general 
Dairy products (havarti dill is not the same as other places)

You can also expect to feel really fancy there---Aldi is where poor people shop for cheap shit---lots of ramen noodles, etc

Door ringing--must go!

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