Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here are some things I have opinions on

These are things I like:

--Facebook--I now can find out that a friend's sister from elementary school has either birthed, adopted or fostered a new baby and that it's "A christmas miracle" that the baby came.

--My cleaning lady. She has opinions and gossips with me.

--My roommate Andy. He reminds me every day how to live a creative life that is not caught up in chaos, how to be kind and that crumbs on the counter are ok.

--My friend Amy. She makes me laugh and laugh and tells me "You don't want to mess around with that business" about something that one should feel kind and generous about, but you don't feel that way.  Plus, she doesn't get judgey when I tell her she should start reading my blog, because she's missed out on a lot and that some of it, sometimes, is funny.  

--The feeling of getting something done that I get after my cleaning lady cleans my apartment. I didn't do it, but I wrote the check, so that's the reward for money well spent.

--Walking in brisk, cold, wintery nights.

--Working out, and then taking a shower at the gym, then sitting in the sauna or steam room and combing out my hair.

--These little fish guys from mexico. They are brightly colored, have stripes and their tails are in constant motion

--My Mac.  It's cute and makes me feel hipper then I am.

Things I don't like:
--Drunk men threatening bullet activity on the el

--When you buy something, like a new clock radio alarm, and that's supposed to fit and charge your Ipod, and it doesn't.  The Ipod jack refuses to quickly or consistently recognize my ipod. So I am constantly shoving the thing in there, flopping it back and forth and trying to get it to read the ipod. Frustrating!  I need to call the manufacturer.

--When the UPS man comes after 5, and you really really wanted to get your camera back and you waited around all day and missed him.  Shady business UPS.

--Putting away Christmas Decorations

--Breast Cancer

--My Mac--it hates my hotmail, every day there is some issue with my email and I can't figure out how to do everything I want to do on it and it makes me angry.

What about you?

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