Friday, January 27, 2017

In-box. Inbox? in box?

I am currently on a plane on my way to find a temporary apartment in LA so I am cleaning out my in-box.  Which had 4,000 emails.  People FREAK out when they see that number on my phone, so I usually hide it from them.  About half are junk mail that needs to be dealt with.  The other quarter are related to either work or creative life.  I’d guess the other quarter are personal, and how do I delete a picture of an old boyfriend from my best friend’s wedding that she sent me after the wedding?  What do I do with the cutest picture of Pickle I’ve ever seen—but I just can’t deal with?  What about that vacation cottage in Linwood that I wanted to book?

I tried to KonMari the shit out of my homelife, and it did seem to help.  And then I just realized, just like writing, you set aside time, and you do it.  EMPTY that inbox!  Use that gmailbox labelled “nice things”.  Put away that laundry!  Dust those shelves!  Just do it and I’ll you’ll feel better after.

So, I did.  I went from 4,000 to 2,000 in 2 hours. I mean, they are still THERE but they are in sub-folders. So everyone chill out, OK?

By the way, if you want to REALLY drive an organized person crazy--show them your phone with an inbox of 2,510 emails.  My PT flipped out when she saw that shit!

Also, isn't that an awesome picture of my dog, Pickle?

(There is some incriminating evidence on here, including that I belong to WeightWatchers, that it is 10am and I haven't yet left for KC and I have 2 weather apps that I use).
See all those emails in the inbox?

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