Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm so hungry!

I think, that after all the ape-dom (you can see the final shows soon on, the visit from Phil from the ships, and my mom and dad, I haven't eaten at home in what seems like months.

And I'm so so hungry right now, that I am going to write this very fast, then go cook eggs, with goat cheese and maybe some pasta and tomato sauce and combine it all.

In reality, it's only been a few days...but today, I am doing LAUNDRY!  Cooking a CHICKEN!  Watching GREY's ANATOMY!  Fielding CONTRACTORS!  Finding a DOCTOR!

Or, just sipping coffee and looking at the leaves fall.

I'm so so so so happy to have some downtime.

I don't have a job, so if you have one for me, let me know and i will take it!

Other then that, it's a bit parents left this morning and I'm in sweats inside on a Wednesday.

All is good.


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