Thursday, July 14, 2016

"You went through all the green lights, stopped at the red, and drove. You did well"

Drive #4 and #5 and #6
I felt like Uber was getting too much love, so I decided to try Lyft.  But, it would not pick up any riders!

So, Uber it was.  These guys were going home from Ribfest on Lincoln, and were talking all sorts of corporate stuff.  They were chattier than my morning rider—talking about software sales. I found myself wanting to feel legitimazed (big surprise---that’s half my problem and why I’m unhappy at these golden handcuff lying jobs) so I jumped in and said eagerly “I’m in software sales too!!!!’ I might as well have stolen their toys for how childish that was. Oh well.  Dropped them off at Racine and 2600, felt jealous of their nice little Lincoln park lives, and when I asked them how I did the one dude made me laugh—he was either SO completely straight-laced or being sarcastic—but he said “You went through all the green lights, stopped at the red, and drove.  You did well”.  That may become my sigil and motto.

I got another call.  This one was going from the belly of the Lincoln park beast---right off Fullerton Parkway to California.

Now, that’s a neighborhood I know nothing off (what is west of bucktown?)? 

She was chattier and shared that a transformer had exploded in the night, and a chef “who we know really well” even emerged on to the street.  It was REALLY hot yesterday and last night, so I guess the Chef coming out meant this was serious business.  Not to fear, this lady’s power was out—but she has a gas stove, so was going to make some avocado toast. 

Has no one ever made avocado toast before they became the new cupcakes?  I mean, it’s good to have avocado on toasted bread, I agree. But we’ve been doing this for years.  OK, now I sound like Seinfeld and the muffin tops.

Anyway, her ac kicked on and thank goodness! It would have been miserable without it!

(this also reminded me of when Amy and I lived on Buckingham, and it was that awful heat wave where a shit ton of people died—and we had people over and the one ac cranking in the living room.  Where were the windows in that place???  Anyway, Larry wanted to leave and go home to his own studio---but we were concerned about him dying. Or maybe that was an awful snow storm?)

Anyway, I don’t know how this young gal can afford to live where she does unless mommy and daddy fund her---which I believe much of the ad industry did/does, so my hackles were already up.

But, she stayed silent, and I went over (again) the 9 tactics of influence in my brain (prepping for another gig).

OH!  And this is where I felt the import of what I am doing.  My little “Smartphone device holder” sucks or I am too impatient with it.  Anyway, I’m constantly adjusting that thing--and as I was adjusting, I almost side swiped a mirror.  WHOA!  Eyes on the road Becky.  Something else happened like that—where that freaking "Smartphone device holder" slowed me down—so I need to sort out a better system.

One last pick up I decided—and this time, the Lyft Line worked and I picked up another passenger in “west bucktown” (seriously, where am I?) and this one is a waitress/bartender in Wrigley. 

Yes please! 

I always Imagined being a beer tub gal and wearing a t-shirt to show off my assets as a side gig when I lived in Wrigley, but never actually did it.

Anyway, I got to hear all about it from this one! 

She grew up in the Rio Grande valley in Texas (near my friend’s grandma) and moved here.  Her boyfriend of 6 years had just dumped her so she was working 20+ hours/day, to get over the suckiness of that.  WHAT?  Also, she worked at Casey Moran’s and Dueces---owned by the same guy, who also is the main beer guy at lolla!  What?  AND she is doing really well there (self-reported) and looks younger than her age (27) so she can keep going for a while, she says.  She has her cosmetology license, but just wants to learn the ropes here, so she can work elsewhere (Fine dining, working in River North is really where the $ is at).  Anyway, she’ll bank her $ until she’s 30, and then see what comes next.

Resisting becoming her life coach, I was intrigued by the clientele at Wrigley bars.  I had heard of that Deuces (I think my nephew’s girlfriend had been denied entrance, and maybe there had been a scuffle?  Anyway, they hilariously have a pool in the courtyard, too). She said Casey Moran’s is older (say 25-28) and more business men, while Dueces is the place to Be!  People drink there until 5/6 in the morning (what?).

I told this lady she needs to keep a blog, which is advice I only give to people who have actual interesting lives (unlike 90% of the male white improviser I know who are pretty boring/samey samey but have MUCH to say).


Ultra Local Geography said...

I came to Chicago just after that heat wave, so it must have been a snowstorm. As I recall I left anyways. And died!

Unknown said...

I'm loving this Beck. Feel like I'm riding with you:)