Wednesday, August 17, 2016


My Dog
I have had my dog, Pickle, for 4 years.  I think.  I am pretty sure.  Right?  Anyway, Thursday is her "Pickle-versary".  4 years ago I picked up a lovely, fussy, not-yet-silly Beagle who placed her little tiny chin in my hand, and just about killed me.

To all the parents and other pet-owners and non-pet owners:  I don't DARE compare owning a dog to a human.  I get it. I can leave Pickle for hours, unattended, while she sleeps.  She poops outside in a bag. She doesn't require much in terms of values/teaching morals/the value of helping humanity.

But, she kills me.  This little beagle, with her little soft ears and her fucked-up scarred face.

It's not that she's a sub for a family, or a kid or what-not--but she's just perfect for me.

I love watching her sleep and have puppy dreams, I love watching her ignore me as she hunts some random beagle scent trail, yells at me when I come home too late, and scratches her right ear like she has mites when she's stressed, and I love how she snores like a god-damn hobbit.

I hate when she pees on my ikea carpets, and begs for food if I sit on the couch, or humps me when she wants attention (she loves my right forearm!).

Some day, she'll die and I'll be super-sad.  But, for now, Pickle Juice Eldridge, if it's 3 or 4 years or who knows---be the good beagle you are.

And, just in case you want to adopt a dog:  for sure, check out:

These dogs LOVE all humans, all kids, all other pets. I always say---Pickle is too passive for her own good.

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